Friday, August 24, 2012

Time for a New Role

Well, the time has come.  My 5 1/2 year old daughter is off to kindergarten on Monday.  My first little bird to test out their wings.  I am so excited for her!  Not only is she going to have a blast meeting new friends and learning but I can't wait to see what colors her wings are going to be.  In this last year I have seen small glimpses of those colors but this new life experience is going to reveal a lot.  Revelations of how other people operate, how not everyone loves and strives to be like Jesus, and how she can be an example for them.  This brings me to my topic of blogging ;)

As a parent of a child who is school ready, you go through all the options.  Do you home school, go to private school, or choose public school.  You weigh all the pros and cons and you take your child's personality in to consideration.  What can she handle? Where will she be most successful?  What do I want to protect her from?  All these question come in a flood of overwhelming thought as your child turns five.  Trust me, those parents who have a five year old know what I am talking about and those with children not yet five...just wait ;)  Yes.  You want to take all these valid questions in to consideration.  Yes.  You want to make the best decision for your child and family.  But, the most important question you should be asking is directed to our Lord   You, as a parent, need to do what you feel the Lord is calling your family to.  I can guarantee you one thing...what the Lord calls your family to will be different than your neighbors, friends, and family.  Each family dynamic is unique and individual and God is creative and called each of us to something different to show His love to His people.  Ask the Lord.  He will answer.  Then you have an easy job...obey ;)

I can't wait to see my child be an example of Jesus to her peers.  I look forward to answering her Jesus questions that are sure to come.  I am very excited to encourage her to be like Jesus in those difficult situations.  Getting to work through situations that arise, going to God's word to see what He says about that situation, and what that looks like in her daily life.  I Am So Excited!!!!  I can't wait to see Jesus work in her life.  That is our ultimate goal as a parent.  To walk like Jesus so our kids know how to walk as well.  To allow our children to experience things that will show them how real Jesus is and how they should apply Jesus to their daily life.  Yes, we educate our children and teach them what they need to know to be successful but, as scripture tells us, we first must lead them to Christ.  If we don't lead them to Christ we have failed as a parent, even if our child is the valedictorian.

So, even though I am very excited for my child to embark on this new adventure, I will be sad to see her go.  I have had the honor of staying home and raising my children for such a time as this.  To do my job as a parent, leading them to Christ, and now watching them spread their wings on a new adventure is a bitter sweet experience.  I will miss not having her with me everyday, all day.  I will miss not getting to experience everything new or first with her.  I will definitely be going to the Boo Hoo Breakfast her school is sponsoring for kinder moms after I have waved goodbye to the school bus fading in to the distance.  My role will change a bit.  Right now I am her only caregiver, her only educator, and really her only connection to the "real" world.  I have been able to shelter, sensor, and monitor everything, everyday, all day long.  I will shift in to her greatest ally, her safe place to ask and share, her strongest advocate and a voice of wisdom and truth in times of confusion.  Lord give me what I need for this new role.  Keep me soft to change and keep me on the path of leading my children to You.

Go!  Lead your children to their Lord.  Experience new things with them and welcome new experiences for them.  They will grow, you will learn and God will direct.  Ask Him to.  You will need Him.  And last but not least...enjoy the ride :)


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