Friday, February 19, 2010

What's New?!?!

The Womack's World is rocking as usual. Never a dull moment and always exciting. These days we are getting the house ready for sweet, baby girl #2 who is due to make her appearance the end of May. The nursery is ready for her and Storm is getting used to the idea of sharing his room. Well, as used to the idea as an 11 month old can be :) Everything is washed, her crib is set up and ready for her, and I found this really cool sling that I love. Now, we wait. In the mean time I need to purchase the double stroller that I found and really like and that will pretty much cover the BIG things.

This pregnancy has been totally normal. All the traditional symptoms that come with all the different stages of pregnancy have shown themselves. Good and bad. I can already tell this little one marches to her own beat. I am really excited to find out her personality and how different she will be from Sarah. Fun times are ahead.

Sarah's imagination is running wild these days. She is always creating, drawing, coloring, imagining, and learning. It is so fun to watch the wheels in her head turn non stop and see what those wheels produce. The other days she said she had put together a band and Daddy and I had to come and watch her show. She performed 2 numbers with her "band" and then we all had to go eat after the show. The girl knows how to party. You first rock it out and then you go eat...her Daddy was proud. She is an interesting balance, my Sarah is. She is extremely affectionate, loving, and caring. She loves to be close to you and give you hugs and kisses just because. If she is sitting next to you she has to be touching or laying on you. There is no such thing as TOO close for her. Got to love that!!!! But, just the other days she played outside in the dirt for 2 hours and got all messy. She played a little ball in between "planting" and rode her bike some too. You just never know with this girl :)

Storm is doing a lot these days. He tried and says everything. Sometimes he succeeds and sometimes it's just "doe". She crawls, pulls up, and walks around the furniture. He has 6 teeth and loves to show them off to people. His case is still a little complicated, but God is in control and knows what is best for him. Keep working Lord!!! I can tell that the 1 hour a week visitation he gets with bio mom will become confusing to him. He doesn't understand why a stranger has him and his mama and dada don't. He doesn't know that bio mom shouldn't be a stranger but very much is. Keep praying that God does what is best for Storm, whatever that may be. Keep him in your hands Lord. You have done a good job so far.

Well, that's the Womack's world the last couple months. The next couple will be just as exciting and memory filled. Camping is going to happen for Spring Break so that will be a memory made. Not much longer and I will have another little one to talk about. I should probably figure out how to post photos :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, photos would be fun. Sounds like life is exciting over there.
