Hello World,
It has been several months. I apologize. Since I last wrote you, we have added a new member to our family. Our 2nd son was born May 23rd and is a great joy to have in our family. So, this completes us at 2 boys and 2 girls for a grand total of 4. Yay!!!
Today I put my oldest on the school bus for her first day of 1st grade. She was totally stoked and ready for the day. She was getting quite impatient waiting for the bus and jumped for joy along with a shout when it finally arrived :) I love that girl. We met her teacher last week and she seems really great. Extremely friendly and was genuinely interested in each and every child and parent that walked in to her classroom. I am anticipating a great 1st grade year for my sweet girl.
After I got my oldest on the bus I had some time to think. Most of you mommy's know that getting only one child, not to mention more, ready for school and out the door to the bus is not a thinking matter. You just do and do and do and then plop...throw yourself on the couch for a time to think and feel. My thought today was wondering why I didn't get emotional sending my child to school and seeing her grow up. I am naturally not a crier, but sometimes I feel like I should be in certain situations. It just really takes a lot to get the water works flowing. I do get moved and touched when the Lord's spirit is tangible, but really, who doesn't!!!!
So, in just thinking through this first day of school for my oldest I have come to this conclusion. I don't get emotional and sad about these times because this is what I am training her for. She is not meant to stay little and right under me. It is my job to train her and make her ready for these times. It is my job to equip her to grow up and teach her how to look like Jesus so she can shine in her world. This is exciting to me!! I look forward to seeing her grow and change. The more she grows and changes and lives her life the more I get to see what my job is really about. The more I get to see what my goal is and should be as her mother. It inspires me!!! It inspire me to keep working hard and even harder to better equip her for each day she will be in school and each milestone she will come across in her life. What a privilege we have as parents and what a HUGE responsibility. No wonder I have no time to work!!! I have 4 of these responsibilities!!! What an honor :)
So, parents, as you embark on this first day of school remember these things. You are training them and equipping them for such a time as this. You are trusting the Lord to do what you can't while they are away from you for the next several hours. You are trusting the Lord to not only protect but give them strength to be who He has made them to be and who He is molding them to be when you are not there to coach them through every situation that will arise. You have a huge responsibility and privilege of seeing your life long disciples (your children) spread their wings and grow. How can this only be sad?!?! This is exciting!!!!
So go, trust the Lord, disciple your children well, and be excited to see them grow and discover on their own.
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